
Abstract Immersion



Abstract Immersion was a personal project Stephanie completed in 2016.
She wanted to create multiple landscapes and objects that inspired a sense of calm, to then be cut together to imply movement through each scene.



Below is a video showing the Maya scenes of a few shots in the Abstract Immersion project.




This shot was Stephanie’s favorite to create.
It involved distributing cubes across the vertices of a slowly morphing cylinder and adjusting attributes to ensure they didn’t move too abruptly.

Stephanie included the creation of a similar tunnel in a tutorial she created for CG Punch on YouTube, linked below.


The cube shot was created using a similar method as the scene above.
Instead of a cylinder, Stephanie instanced a cube across a plane, added subtle animation,
exported the plane/cubes as an alembic file then referenced it into a new Maya scene 3 times to create a simple landscape.


The focus of this scene is the spiraling animation in the center.
Stephanie wanted to portray travel between scenes that the audience could make a connection with, without making it obvious.
The spiraling animation in the center was created to imply that it’s connected/travelling to the next landscape.


The geometric splines in this shot play a similar role to the spiral animation in the shot above, in that they were intended to imply travel between landscapes.